Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 4 Reflection

1. This "20: One Grateful" project has been a real eye opener for me. I have acknowledged many of the things I am blessed to have in my life that everyone else in the world may not be as fortunate to have as well. I think this project did bring out a creative side in me, and everyone else too, because as time passed by it became a little more difficult to think of things to post. When that was the case, we all had to dig a little deeper in our minds and truly think in different ways than usual.
2. I think that the most difficult part of this project was having to think of new things to post each day that were different than any other day of posting. The most valuable part about this project was getting to realize everything that we're all truly fortunate to have, and then getting to share it with everyone else too. Although it is a lot of work, I would recommend this project to other students because it's very different than any other project I've done before. So it is something new and different than normal.
3.I think it would be pretty cool to do some kind of 20 day project on a single subject of your choice, and then taking a picture of it each day to see how it changes over time. For example, the new building that's being constructed on campus, or some kind of plant or flower, or even a person. It is definitely interesting to see the change in anything, even in such a short period of time.

Day 20- Humor

As embarrassing as this photo may be, I am thankful for my sense of humor. Without something to laugh at, what else would get you through the day?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 19- Good Fortune

No matter how bad a day may seem, there will still always be something better just waiting around the corner.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 18- Pool Time

There's no better way to spend a hot summer day than by swimming in a nice cold pool! I am always thankful for the fact that my best friend has a pool at her house, otherwise I don't know how I'd survive the California heat.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 17- A Day on the Lake

One of my favorite parts about summer is getting to go boating out at Black Butte Lake with all my friends. We always have a great time, but we always end up with some pretty bad sunburns by the end of the day.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 3 Reflection

As the weeks continue on, trying to think of a new photo to post every day always gets more and more challenging. But with only four more days left next week, I'm sure I can think of a few more things to post for this blog. Everyone's photos are definitely still improving each week, and I love getting to see them all and commenting on my favorite ones.

Day 16- Music

Life without music would be pretty dull and boring, so I am grateful for all the amazingly talented singers and performers around the world who provide us all with the gift of music. It's amazing how something so simple can change a mood from bad to good, or let us escape from this crazy world for just a moment.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 15- California Weather

Although the hot summer days are just around the corner, I'll still kind of miss the cooler rainy days from time to time. The weather we have in California is very diverse everywhere you go, so I'm happy to live in such a place where it's not always the same year round.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 14- Siblings

My family is pretty large but very complicated. First, I have two older half brothers, one of them being the guy in green, and then two other older half sisters. They're all much older than I am and have their own families, so I'm not really around them as much. My only "real" brother is the boy wearing blue in this picture. Although he drives me crazy on a daily basis, deep down we do actually love and care for each other.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 13- My Grandma

My family may not be perfect, but I am definitely grateful to have such a wonderful grandma in my life who has taken care of me and my brother ever since we were children.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 12- My Boyfriend's Family

I absolutely love my boyfriend's family. They are truly some of the nicest and greatest people I have ever met. I always appreciate how welcome they make me feel whenever I'm around, and they treat me as if I were a daughter they never had.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Week 2 Reflection

The second week of this project has definitely proven to be a little more challenging than the first, but I'm still enjoying it. I feel like everybody's pictures are getting even better, as well as mine, so they are fun to look at and see the progress being made.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 11- Titan

This adorable puppy, Titan, belongs to my boyfriend and his family. He is extremely friendly and always loves having the most attention. Since I don't have my own dog, I definitely love getting to play around with this very energetic pup whenever I'm over.

Day 10- Dutch Bros

I am not addicted to Dutch Bros drinks as much as most people are at our school, but I definitely do enjoy them every once in a while. They're perfect for the hot summer days!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 9- Happiest Place on Earth

I finally went to Disneyland for the first time last spring break. It was an amazing and exciting experience and I hope that I'll get the chance to do go again sometime. I am truly grateful for getting the opportunity to go on such a fun vacation with my best friend and her family.

Day 8- Field Hockey

I'm so glad that I tried out for field hockey way back in my freshman year. I have played every year since then and I can't wait for my final season to start up soon. Although practices are always extremely hot and the whole team complains each day, we still enjoy playing together as a fun and competitive team.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 7- Viking Family

Our Viking family here is pretty amazing. I'm very happy to be a part of such a fun and spirited school.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 1 Reflection

So far, this project has been pretty interesting. It is definitely challenging to find something to take a picture of for each day, and will get even more difficult as the weeks go on. However, it is kind of an eye opener to just think about all the things I am grateful for and fortunate to have. It is also fun to see what everyone else is grateful for in their lives. They're photos can be inspiring as well when I'm trying to think of what to post next. I am interested to see what the next weeks of this project hold.

Day 6- Beach Bum

I can't wait until summer is here so I can spend my time at one of the places I love the most- the beach! I'm so glad that I live in a state with such beautiful places to visit that aren't too far away.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 4- The Boyfriend

Today marks the 11th month that I have shared with this amazing boy.. We met back in my freshman year and remained as only friends up until the of summer after my sophomore year. Now he is the one who always makes me the happiest each day and I love every moment we have together. I am incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful, loving and supportive boyfriend in my life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 3- "Sisters"

My two best friends and I are a real unique group, so I always enjoy being around them. We can just laugh and goof around for hours or have serious conversations about basically anything. We tease each other just like sisters would, but thankfully can never actually be mad at each other.

Day 2- My second Family

Almost everyone has a best friend that they are so close to that you seem more like siblings. This family is like that for me. I have been friends with this girl since the first grade and we have been inseparable ever since. I am truly fortunate to have met her and her family because they treat me just as if I were another child of theirs. They always bring me along on their fun vacations. Their house is like a home away from home for me. I can be myself around them, whether it be silly or serious. They're a loving and fun family to be around and I don't know what I would do without all of them in my life.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 1

Our local parks are always a beautiful place to go during the day. Whether you want to relax, have fun with friends, or just go out to clear your head, the park is a wonderful place to observe nature on a walk or swim in the creeks on a warm day. I definitely appreciate the availability we have to our parks because not all cities and towns have such beautiful places for people to spend their time at.